Social Advocate Award to Selçuk Aydın

Binance has honored Turkish Sign Language Volunteer Selçuk Aydın with the Social Advocate award at the 2024 Binance Angel Awards for his contributions to the education of hearing-impaired individuals about crypto assets.

Binance Turkey’s Marketing Director Harika Eldoğan stated that every year, Binance emphasizes the invaluable contributions of Binance Angels, volunteer community ambassadors around the world, and honors those whose work is most remarkable with special awards. “This year, we proudly awarded 15 extraordinary Angels from around the world. Selçuk Aydın, one of the Binance Angels, does a very valuable and important job with the content he creates to explain the Binance ecosystem to the hearing impaired in Turkey. We are very happy to have awarded Aydın for his successful work.”

Selçuk Aydın, who won the award, stated that he joined the Binance Angels family three years ago and said, “I set out on this path to share information about the Binance ecosystem, especially to disabled members, and to eliminate the communication problem in solving the problems of these members.” Aydın explained that they opened a Binance Sign Language Telegram Group, an X account, and a YouTube channel for this purpose, and that they made Turkish Sign Language translations of the content published on Binance Academy.

Aydın, who can speak and hear with a hearing aid despite being hearing impaired, emphasized that there are approximately 30 million hearing impaired people in the world and that the biggest problem of these individuals is accessing information and understanding this information.

Stating that he wants to work as a Binance Angel to translate Turkish Sign Language for the hearing impaired and explain everything about Binance, Aydın said, “Our hearing impaired brothers and sisters experience various problems while becoming a member and making purchases and sales. That’s why I help them by giving them information about Binance and the crypto ecosystem.”

Aydin also announced that they met with the Binance team and opened a special Telegram group called “Binance Turkish Sign Language” where they support the hearing impaired. This initiative aims to raise awareness and improve accessibility for the disabled in the cryptocurrency world.

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