Flare integrates Polyhedra’s zkBridge for enhanced cross-chain security

Polyhedra Network has integrated its cross-chain interoperability protocol zkBridge with Flare.

According to an announcement made on August 27, Polyhedra’s integration will help developers on data platform Flare (FLR) achieve cross-chain security with zero-knowledge proofs.

The integration comes after the Polyhedra Network community approved a proposal that aims to bring zkBridge, one of LayerZero’s (ZRO) decentralized validator networks, to Flare. With the arrival of the zkBridge DVN to Flare, developers can now leverage ZK proof technology to build and deploy efficient cross-chain applications.

Flare integration to revitalize DeFi ecosystem

Key to interoperability is zkBridge’s multi-chain relay and use of zero-knowledge technology zkSNARKs for verification and consensus of block headers.

A system that offers a 2-layer iterative proof environment allows for fast and low-cost proof creation and verification. Batching enables transactions from different blockchains to be verified on a single proof chain.

Decentralized applications deployed on Flare can now ingest data from other chains or networks via zkBridge. The scenario allows developers to build cross-chain dApps for DeFi, including prediction markets, trading, and perps.

“Polyhedra’s zkBridge adds an additional layer of security to LayerZero’s interoperability protocol and will be welcomed by Flare developers and users. Its integration is a sign of the growing support for Flare from cross-chain protocols and demonstrates the value of ZK technology in facilitating the free flow of value across networks.”

Hugo Philion, co-founder of Flare.

In addition to RWAs and tokenization, Flare’s smart contract platform supports use cases like machine learning, AI, gaming, and social finance. Flare’s FAssets allow Bitcoin to connect with other blockchains to leverage the benefits of DeFi.

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