DIA reimagines oracles architecture with Rollup-based ‘Lumina’

DIA, the Oracle network designed to deliver data feeds for any token and real-world asset on any blockchain, is set to transform oracle architecture with the launch of ‘Lumina’.

A testnet for the rollup-based network is set to launch soon. Meanwhile, Lumina’s launch will also expand the usefulness of DIA’s native token, according to a press release sent to crypto.news on September 11.

Why Lumina?

The blockchain oracle market is dominated by Chainlink (LINK) and Pyth Network (PYTH), but Lumina aims to penetrate by addressing one of web3’s most persistent problems: the need for decentralized and trustless data infrastructure.

DIA claims that Lumina brings this type of advanced infrastructure to the oracle market.

“Lumina combines four years of innovation in the oracle space into one powerful product,” said Zygis Marazas, DIA Product Manager.

“Lumina is the culmination of four years of web3 infrastructure innovation into a single product. It is the foundation of our vision for a truly decentralized and trustless oracle network that maximizes security and trust while maintaining the flexibility to serve any use case.”

Zygis Marazas, DIA Product Manager.

Advanced Oracle infrastructure

Lumina’s design uses a modular architecture that enables it to offer advanced oracle capabilities. This extends across data sourcing, validation, storage, and delivery of data feeds. Specifically, the network’s oracle operations run on Lasernet, DIA’s native layer 2 aggregation.

Lumina will go live on the Lasernet testnet in its first launch. This first phase includes a staking campaign for early adopters. The mainnet launch and live staking are planned for phase two, while the open mainnet launch is set for phase three.

As DIA prepares for Lumina, it aims to increase its growth potential through core integrations. The platform currently has over 50 layer 1 and 2 integrations, while its cross-chain oracle ecosystem provides data feeds for over 200 decentralized applications.

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