Astar Network Organized Its First Event in Turkey

The blockchain ecosystem in Turkey is expanding and becoming more interactive day by day. While we did not see much activity outside of Istanbul until a few years ago, nowadays we come across events that contribute to the blockchain and crypto world in almost every region of our country. The latest example to support this diversity was held in Istanbul on August 28th with Astar Network as the main sponsor.

Organized by the Izmir Blockchain team and being the first event of Astar Network in Turkey, 1Zero1Knowledge attracted attention with its high participation rate and entertaining atmosphere.

At the event, Astar ambassador and also a member of the Izmir Blockchain team, Emre Karahanlı, made a comprehensive presentation introducing the features of Astar Network. Utilify CEO Bertuğ Oymak shared the corporate collaboration process of Astar Network. On the other hand, he also included the story of Utilify becoming an Astar partner in his speech. Leo Enes Şahin, CEO of Neurolanche X Lab, one of the sponsors of the event and one of the biggest projects of Astar Network, shared the details of the Neurolanche project as well as his information about artificial intelligence and blockchain with the participants.

Participants stated that they found the event extremely productive and sincere. The fact that the four hours spent together were so successful once again demonstrated the professionalism of İzmir Blockchain. For this, we need to thank Emre Karahanlı, İlayda Tunaboylu, Ecem Payzın and Cem Bozfırat, who make up the İzmir Blockchain team.

What was really beautiful here was the effort and success of a group of people who were founded in Izmir and live in that city, in an away game like Istanbul. This performance of the Izmir Blockchain team, which showed everyone that many communities in Anatolia can actually go beyond their own borders, will undoubtedly inspire other communities.

The Izmir Blockchain team, which is already prepared for many projects and events that we will witness in the future, is planning to hold their next event in Izmir. They expect the event to be held in Izmir soon to attract as much attention as the one in Istanbul.

It is extremely important that the blockchain is expressed with the same passion everywhere in our country. If Turkey, a country with high potential in this field, is going to take its position to a higher level, the national blockchain movement will undoubtedly contribute to this. Regardless of how big or small it is, conducting studies on blockchain in every province is important in terms of attracting the attention of potential people who can contribute to the ecosystem in the future. These studies will take us further in the long run.


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