French left forms a united front against Le Pen

French left-wing parties announced in a joint statement on Thursday, June 13 that they agreed on a plan on what kind of government they would form if they win the early elections called by President Emmanuel Macron.

Left parties, including the Socialists, Communists, Greens and the radical left party La France Insoumise, made an agreement as part of a new alliance they called the “new popular front”.

Socialist president Olivier Faure, in his post on X “We did it. A page of history is being written.”said.

Macron’s early election gamble comes two years after he failed to secure a majority in parliament to support a second presidential takeover. This risks strengthening the far-right Rassemblement National (RN).

Prime Minister Gabriel Attal said in a statement to France Inter radio that voters face a “social choice”. He said Macron’s centrist camp offered a “progressive, pro-work, democratic” alternative.

Hibya News Agency

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