Telegram is completely changing its stance on “illegal” use of its messaging service after its CEO Pavel Durov was arrested in France for allegedly failing to moderate content that breaks the law.
The messaging app is expanding the reach of its moderators to include private chats. Telegram has made a change to its FAQ page, stating that users in private chats can “flag illegal content” for review. It also notes that private groups are being treated as off-limits.
The policy change, which has been quietly implemented, could reframe the French authorities’ claim that Telegram is a facilitator of all sorts of illegalities. Durov, who was arrested last month on charges of turning a blind eye to criminal activity being organised on the platform, must remain in France pending trial.
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Durov acknowledged in a Telegram post that the app’s rapid growth “makes it easier for criminals to abuse the platform” and promised that the situation would change.
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