Inflows into crypto funds continue: Volume increased by 55 percent in a week

A net $2 billion entered digital asset and cryptocurrency funds last week. While inflows continued for the fifth week in a row, the total investment in this period was 3.4 billion dollars. Compared to the previous week, ETF/ETP volume increased by 55% and exceeded $12.8 billion.

Crypto investment products closed last week with $2 billion plus. Reinvest the most Bitcoinreceived the funds and the number came to a net $1.97 billion. EthereumWhile 68.9 million dollars entered the funds, altcoin funds also received investments.

solana, Litecoin, Chainlink700 thousand dollars to their funds, XRP A net investment of 1.2 million dollars was made in the funds. The $1.4 million entry in Fantom also attracted attention.

USA and BlackRock are at the top

While the funds saw net inflows for the fifth week in a row, the total investment in this period was 3.4 billion dollars. Weekly volume increased by 55% compared to the previous week and exceeded $12.8 billion. Most invested in BlackRock’s iShares Bitcoin ( IBIT ) received the funding with $948 million. In second place is Fidelity (with 680 million dollars). FBTC ) took place. On a country basis, the USA received the most investment with 1.9 billion dollars. The country closest to the USA was Hong Kong with 26 million dollars.

While there was an outflow of $5.3 million in Short Bitcoin funds, the outflows in these funds saw their third week in a row.

Grayscale, which has seen a net outflow of $17 billion since the beginning of the year ( GBTC) company maintained its leadership in this field, with the total value of its funds being 31.8 billion dollars.

This news was first published on the Coin Engineer website.

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