Von der Leyen promised to strive for a strong Europe

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, whose centre-right European People’s Party (EPP) is in first place in the EU parliament, said she would “build a fortress against the extremes coming from the left and the right”.

According to the first results, far-right parties will come first in France, Italy and Austria, and second in Germany and the Netherlands, and it is estimated that centre-right parties will gain the majority in the European Parliament.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen declared the victory of the EPP coalition in the European Parliament elections last night. In her speech, Leyen said that centrist parties have a strong majority in the European Parliament despite the gains they made in the elections.

Von der Leyen said the EPP represents an anchor of stability in Europe and voters showed their faith in the leadership of the party cluster at the polls yesterday. He said he would start negotiations with major party groups.

Von der Leyen said that the election results constitute a great responsibility for the center parties due to the gains of the fringe parties on both wings. Forces both from within and without are trying to weaken European societies. “We will never let this happen.”Von der Leyen said, promising to fight every day for a strong Europe.

Hibya News Agency

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